
In my previous life, I’ve been an English Teacher, a Photo Tech, a Hearing Instrument Specialist and a Licensed Optician. You could say, it took me awhile to find my niche. Luckily, it only took a few months before I made one of the best decisions I've made in a long time and became a student at Actualize Coding Bootcamp. Since then, I've pushed myself harder, stretched beyond what I thought I was capable of and still continue to want and crave more.

As a developer, I am hungry to learn, to grow, and to deepen my understanding of each programming language I encounter. What I love about coding is that it's ever-changing, never boring, and there's always a new way to a solve probem. Not to mention, it's an industry where I will never stop learning. How exciting! So here I am - fresh and eager to tackle my first job. Ready to seek and find ALL THE SOLUTIONS, who's with me?!


  • Ruby, Ruby on Rails
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
  • Git, Github, OOP, Vue.js
  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor
  • Sit
  • Amet
  • Nullam


When not coding, I am an avid traveler always adding new places to my bucket list. Lover of all things cats. Cat cuddles, cat purrs, cat nuzzles. I'll take it all. I also enjoy board games, matcha lattes, and ALL THE MOVIES.


Learning to code at Actualize Coding Bootcamp has propelled me to beyond what I thought was even possible. It’s given me a mindset to see solving problems in a completely new way, whether it’s breaking it down into small pieces, or rebuilding something from scratch to get a deeper understanding. I no longer look at software as a tool I simply interact with, but as a living breathing entity made of intricacies and nuances I can tinker with, manipulate or create from the ground up.


The primary piece of my capstone is a game called Word Drop. It’s written completely in Ruby with a gem called Gosu. The game is also connected to a Rails Application called Grammar Slayer. It includes a leaderboard to store high scores and a database that serves as a word bank. Future plans include re-writing the game in Javascript so users can play in the browser.

Demonstration video coming soon!


Always interested in new opportunities. Feel free to reach out. Let's see what we can make together!
